See common questions and answers from the Keyplay team here.
Q: What happens when I go over my account limit?
A: Keyplay will continue to track the number of accounts on your limit, so no new accounts will be pulled in from your CRM. You will also not be able to save any new accounts from Keyplay's database. If you hit your limit, reach out to your CSM to discuss options.
Q: When I try to login I get sent to a new account vs my paid account, how do I get into my paid account?
A: Most likely, you've set up a new free account rather than logging into the paid account. Reach out to your CSM to remove the additional account and make sure you can login to your paid account.
Q: I have a new signal idea, what should I do?
A: Share it with Keyplay! Feel free to ping your CSM or bring it up in your next check in call. We save all signal ideas and are always adding new signals, so chances are good yours will be included!
Q: I updated my scoring model but my data isn't updating, what do I do?
A: You also need to refresh your data after publishing a new version of your model. To do this, hit your account name in the top right corner of the Keyplay app > Refresh Data.
Q: I have 38,459 account records in my CRM, why is Keyplay only showing 32,438?
A: Keyplay only shows the accounts we were able to validate, and also only dedupes the accounts we show in the app on domain, so most likely you'll see a lower number of accounts in Keyplay than in your CRM. To see all your CRM records, export your CRM enrichment CSV.
Q: How long does it take for my CRM sync to run via the integration?
A: It usually takes between 30 mins-2 hours to fully run your CRM sync. You'll receive an email when the sync finishes. Also, the first time you sync your accounts will most likely take a bit longer since we're pulling in all the data for the first time.