If you want to view a CSV of your data and export it from Keyplay for analysis, Keyplay offers exports in the app.
To export your data to a CSV from Keyplay, click the export button under the My Accounts tab. The exports button is available on the All, CRM, and Saved Tags as shown below.
There are a few options you can select for exporting.
Accounts in Current View: Allows you to export the account list that matches the current filters you have on the view. For example, if you only wanted to export Tier A accounts, you could filter to tier A, then select the Accounts in Current View Export CSV option.
All Accounts: This will export a full data set of all accounts, regardless of the filters you have on the view.
CRM Enrichment: This option will export all of your CRM records, with the CRM ID. For example, this option is useful for assessing CRM accounts Keyplay wasn't able to validate, etc.